Monday, May 30, 2011

Washington Visit

Leif and Rachel were up at mom and dads for a visit so of course we took a quick trip up there to see them and their sweet little babies. The first day we got Micah automatically went to Steve and kept reaching for him when anyone else held him. IT was so cute and weird......must have been a guy thang. Steven had a blast wrestling with Uncle Leif and making Micah laugh. He is always getting the babies to crack up while acting silly. Its so cute! Sydney was so happy to see Aunt Rachel and spend time with her. Tori loved playing with Savannah because she is a girl and Tori loves girls!
The best part was staying up until 1am, laughing hyisterically about stupid stuff..ooh man it was fun! We are going to miss you guys so much!!! Wish you Mulligans could have made it!!!

We celebrate the twins first birhthday

Sydney was so excited to see her cousins. She has missed you guys!

Beacon rock

We went to the Portland Zoo
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We had fun With Grandpa Brooks
and Grandma Suzie! Tori loved playing with Papa Martin.....which is very rare for her to even warm up to anyone...especially that fast!

Zoo field trips and last day of school

Stevens kindergarten class and Sydneys first grade class each had field trips to the Boise zoo this year. Its a sad little zoo...meaning its very small and only takes about an hour to get through the whole thing. Steve was able to go each time with them and they LOVED having their Dad come with them!

I cant believe my kids are done with school for this year. It went by so fast. It was a little bumpy at the beginning of the year but eventually got better and the kids started to enjoy school more. Steve and I tried really hard to make it to their school as often as we could, whether helping out in class or just having lunch with them. Im not looking forward to the adjusting back to school next year!

Mothers Day 2011

Mothers Day was great! I had a great day full of pampering,beautiful cards and gifts. The kids each made me something special from school. I love those presents the best! They are so thoughtful and each child is so excited to give them to me. Steves got me some crocs, stella&dot jewelry, an amazing chocolate cake (from steve cant bake :) and NEW CARPET!! I was SOOOOO HAPPY to finally get our whole house recarpeted. It felt like we were in a brand new house. AMAZING! Something about used carpet that makes me kringe, escpecially at this stage of my life when I spend most of my day on the floor with the little ones.

One thing I missed was not being with my mom. Im so blessed to have such a loving and wonderful mom. She is the best and is the perfect example of someone who is completely selfless. She has always put other before herself and I admire her for that. I love you, Mother!