Thursday, August 18, 2011

Los Dos Compadres!

NO...I'm not talking about my favorite restaurant! I got to see my 2 best friends from High School!!
When we were in WA last, coincidently, Lindsey was down visiting her parents....SOOO we got together and had a great time hanging out. Her kids were soo cute and my kids loved playing with them! Rylee was hilarious and Tyler was so sweet smiling and wantin to play with the girls....hmm ladies man I think. Lindsey-in this picture I look a little freakish but I had such a great time seeing you!! Thanks for coming over!!

So Brittny was in town for a family wedding and I got to spend one late night with her! It was so fun! We drove aimlessly around town yaking...laughing and enjoying our time together without kids which I dont think we've done in.....8 years???? It seriously felt like we were kids again...had the urge to sneak out and make fun of some people!! Brittny- cant wait to do that again and ps you can spill yogurt in my car anytime!!! :)

Goodbye summer break!! Hello school year!!

So for the last couple weeks we have been doing nothing but getting Sydney and Steven ready for school. Hair cuts, cloths, shoe, lunch and school supply shopping is offically done. I cant believe I will have 2 full time kids in school now 1-1st grader and 1-2nd grader. It is going to be great and sad all at the same time. Tori is excited to have more "Mom and Tori time!" As much as Im ready for the kids to start school, Im not sure if IM ready for the school year to begin. With all the rushing to get to school in the mornings, dropping off and picking up, homework, cranky attitudes, new adjustments, MEAN KIDS, and not to mention Steven will be starting soccer; practicing once a week and games on Saturdays. Sydney will be taking a Hip hop class too! So hopefully the little girls and I will be able to keep up as Steve will be pretty much unreliable due to his crazy work schedule. I just need to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the moments because as much as I think they will last forever they are going faster than I ever thought they would. :(