The kids had a great first day of school. They both love their teachers! Steven has Sydneys old teacher from last year and Sydney is in a 2nd-3rd combo class. They were short teachers this year with less funding so instead of having larger classes they took some of the high achievers(dont know what else to call it...) and some 3rd graders that were a little behind and slapped them together. They also considered what students could handle being in this kind of class. All in all, I think it will challenge Sydney and be a good thing for her. Steven had a great day and was all excited when he came home. I was so happy for this because he has a harder time being away from home. He had an older boy who was his buddy for the day and really like that. Sydney said she got lost one time, which kind of scared her, but she said she figured it out and was fine (she is so much like Steve).
Steve had the day off so it was nice to be with the little
girls and get some shopping done with not so many crazy kids tagging along.
Here is a picture of my BABY growing up too fast! She will be in nursery at church next month and I HATE IT! She is getting big too fast!
and Tori is on my lap helping me with this post and wanted this picture of her on here we go.