Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sydneys Baptism

Sydney was baptised on Saturday. It was a very special day. We were so happy to have Mom and Dad and Andrea and the girls with us! Sydney loved being with her cousins!! Steve did an excellent job and Sydney was so cute and smiley the whole time. Im so proud of her for choosing to be baptised and being such a great example to her younger brother and sisters. I love you Sydney!

Reese was in a really good mood with Grandma and Grandpa and warmed up right away to Grandpa. She kept going to him and cuddling with him. I think Grandpa loved it...he would tell whoever was around "Get my camera, take a picture...Quick!" Reese loves you guys!

Tori turns 4!!

I cant believe my little Tori-too is 4!!!! She is getting so big so fast! I love her little personality..She definatley teaches me patience! She loves Barbies right now and loves to dance and entertain with her big sister. This year for her birthday ( while the older two were at school) we took her to Jumpin Jungle and to her fav. restaurant Panda Express for lunch. Then we came home and played with her new toys. After the kids got home we celebrated some more at Red Robin and came home for cake! I love my little Tori Jeanne!

(just ignore the double chin!)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Here comes Santa Claus!

Our friend, who is a photographer, invited us to her husbands dentist office where they had Santa and Mrs. Claus, cookies and pictures with Santa. It was really fun and the santa looked so real I told the kids I think that was really him. They had been asking if it was actually going to be Santa or one of his helpers. LOL!

Mulligan Mayhem !!! JJ!!

Kierstin and Wes stopped by for a visit. It was SO FUN seeing them and the kids had a blast!
Heres some of our wild pics. Kierstin and I were slightly distracted in these pictures.. I Love it! Check out all the hot pink!!

Thanksgiving/ Christmas Tree

This year Thanksgiving was very low key. We watched the Thanksgiving Day parade, snacked, played, Steve took the kids outside to play some football, and this year we roasted a Chicken instead of Turkey since no one around here likes turkey. Surprisingly everything turned out except the gravy, but we didnt even need it!

We also put up our tree this day. I was saving it for Thanksgiving since I had already decorated a week before (I couldnt help myself...I tried to wait!!!). It was Sydneys year to put the star on.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sydney Marie turns 8!!

My little girl turned 8 today!! I cant believe how fast its gone!! So I woke up this morning to find her up and reading in her bed. She knows she cant get out of bed until 7 , so she got up at 6 and turned her lamp on and was reading in bed. She LOVES to read! I bought her Barbie charm school the chapter book and she finished it in one evening. I dont know where she gets her love to read but its not from me! HaHaha! She told me that since she is at a 4th grade reading level now her goal is to be at 6th grade by the end of the year. Im so proud of her and know she will make her goal. So for her party, last Saturday, she got to have 7 of her good friends go with her to Jumpin Jungle and then to U-swirl. She had a GREAT time with all her friends and I loved watching them.

Did I mention how boy crazy she is!! ;)

Then on her birthday we picked her (and Steven) up from school and took them to lunch,then after school we headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then back home for cake and presents. This year Sydney asked for mainly all cloths!! I did have to get her one toy just to keep her little. She is definatly growing up too fast!!


Reese has prooved to be more athletic than any of our kids at her age. I dont know if its because she is naturally gifted (which we all know where she would get it from ;)or if having 3 older siblings has anything to do with it. She loves to kick the soccer ball back and forth with Steven and she can throw really well over hand. She likes to huff things across the the church! She also can hang on the pull up bar for 10 seconds before she falls. Its so cute! Probably not a big deal to most, but we sure think its cute. And of course she already has a shoe fetish! she loves to walk into my closet and walk out wearing my red flats every time! Those are her fav. except in this pic. Sydney had just opened all her presents and Reese went right over to her new shoes and put them on.

Sydney and Stevens music program

Sydney and Steven had their first music concert of the year. It was great except a little packed! It was for grades 1-5 and we were pretty far away to get any good pics. That and well our camera is outdated and doesnt do a good job anymore! Stevens class had to where there pjs for the perforance and Sydneys just white tops and black bottoms. They both did great and we found out Sydney will be singing a solo at the next concert that she auditioned for and earned. We are pretty proud!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Heres my little diva! She always is wanting me to paint her nails, put on my lipstick, and now she loves these fake eye lashes!! Va Va Voom!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year Halloween day was SOO busy! I dont think I sat down once. It was get up get the kids to school, get showered, Tori off to Gymnastics, home for Reese to have a quick nap/ lunch, off to grocery shop, home again to unload feed kids, back to school to watch kids in their costume parade (which I forgot my camera!!!) back home to organzie house/homework/backpacks, run to Mcd's for some quick dinner, eat and get ready in COSTUMES, wait for Steve to get home and out the door at 6pm to start the night! We hit all 5 neighborhoods around us(not all the houses of course) and ended the night around 9pm. The kids had so much fun! Sydney and Steven were running all over and little Tori was trying to keep up. Steve took Reese to a couple houses just to see how she would react, but it was FREEZING out so we had to hurry a long. They got SO MUCH candy!! I kinda feel bad that they got so much but then that wares off and I eat a butterfinger!! LOL!

Carving pumpkins with Dad! We have a crazy/moldy faced one.....Cat, happy face, and spooky haunted house.

Ward Trunk or Treat! The kids talked me in to dressing up. It was so fun!

We had fun with Mom/Grandma who came and stayed with us to help out while I had was recovoering from my wisdom teeth surgery.
