Thursday, April 28, 2011

Robie Creek

Before the race: (yeah all smiles now)

During the race: (not so smiley anymore)

Steve participated in the Robie Creek 1/2 marathon a couple weekends ago. It is suppose to be the hardest race in the NW. Steve says it was Brutal. We werent able to go watch him because it was up in the mountains and you had to take a bus and I wasnt about to go up there with 4 kids for who knows how long...anyways. Steve did amazing and his time was 1:43. He ranked 84th out 2500. This race sold out in 20 mins. on the internet and Steve didnt get in the first time, but he entered in their lottery where they pick 200 names and lucky enough got in. He is now ready to run a full marathon and cant wait.....You runners are ADDICTED!! :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I still haven't figured this out, I can't understand running farther than the distance of a soccer field...
Awesome job Steve.