Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baby #4

So yes, we are expecting baby #4 around April fools day ( this should be fun!). We are very excited to add another one to our family. I would have to say Sydney is the most excited. She asks questions constantly about the baby and the pregnancy and cant wait for my tummy to get bigger. Steven says Im not pregnant because I dont have a big tummy....its so funny! And Tori....doesnt have clue whats coming. Ive felt like crap pretty much every day and cant wait for the second trimester. I need to have my energy back to keep up with these 3 wild ones :). We will keep you posted!


Stevens1007 said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! I REALLY hope you feel better soon. That will be a fun April Fools!

The Jensen said...

I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see you guys soon. We miss you!